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Minutes of the Inaugural meeting for Norfolk Lacemakers:⎯

Dear member
We have had our inaugural meeting of the Norfolk Lacemakers at the Crome Centre
on 20th April 1979, with an attendance of 65. Of these 62 have become members of
the Norfolk Lacemakers.

This first meeting was chaired by Mrs. Pat Payne, who gave a short talk setting
out the aims of the Lacemakers. We are not affiliated to the Lace Guild, but
will meet on the second Friday in the month (excluding August) just for the
interest in lace, to have a chat with other lacemakers, exchange patterns and
give each other inspiration.

At these meetings we hope to have a shop, with supplies for everybody. If there
is anything anybody requires, perhaps they will be kind enough to ask, so we can
keep our stocks up.

To become a member of the Norfolk Lacemakers a subscription of £2.00 is asked,
50p of which goes to the Crome Centre. Also it will cost 20p every meeting. The
Lacemakers are not profit making and any money over will be put to buying stock
for the shop or on visits to exhibitions and trips.|

It was decided that the committee should number 12, 2 from each class. Half the
committee will stand for one year and the other half for two years to keep the
continuity going.

We had one fortunate lady at the meeting;,she had been given all the equipment
for lacemaking. Pillow, bobbins, books and samples of lace etc. After the
meeting she decided she would take it up and have some lessons, another convert.

Mrs. Thomas another lady at the meeting, told me she thought she was going
ga!ga! when she first started, as nothing seems to go right. Every time
something went wrong, she went home and made something else to prove to herself
that there was nothing wrong with her, and now has two jumpers to prove it. Her
problem was her eyes, and she has found that now she is using a larger pattern
her lace is a success. So if anybody is being put off by bad eye sight,
patterns come in all sizes.

I have listed below the committee members, so if anybody has any queries or
problems they can all be contacted.
Mrs. Payne – Chairman, Mrs. Jenkins – Treasurer, Mrs. Symonds – Secretary and
Mrs. Skoyles – Newsletter.
Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Waters Mrs. Harris
Mrs. Mills Mrs. Andrew Mrs. Purcell
Mrs. Kirkham Mrs. Nash Mrs. Edwards

If anybody has any news of any sort please contact me at the above telephone
number. I can usually be contacted between 4.30 and 6.30 Gt. Yarmouth 68146

Coming outing On June 21st 1979 there will be a tri to Bedford to see two
museums, one for lace and one for bobbins. If anybody is interested they can
contact Mrs. Payne for further information.